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SAMSUNG 870 QVO Series 2.5″ 4TB SATA III Samsung V-NAND 4bit MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) MZ-77Q4T0BW

Код товара: 9SIAADFK758073
Предложение актуально на:21/06/2024
34,097.54 руб.
Max Sequential Read: Up to 560 MBps
Max Sequential Write: Up to 530 MBps
4KB Random Read: Up to 98,000 IOPS
Controller: Samsung MKX Controller
4KB Random Write: Up to 88,000 IOPS
Power Consumption (Active): 3.2 W
Power Consumption (Idle): 35 mW
Max Shock Resistance: 1500G
Доставка из ориентировочно 01.08.2024. Пошлина: 5,114.63 руб.
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3 в наличии (может быть предзаказано)

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Bring your computer performance to a whole new level with the SAMSUNG 870 QVO. Its large capacity up to 8TB holds a big library of your favorite 4K movies and tons of games, while the blazing-fast read/write speed means the system boot up, shut down and app launching happen in an instant.

Go big, do more

The 870 QVO is Samsung’s latest 2nd gen. QLC SSD and the largest of its kind that provides up to 8TB of storage. It offers an incredible upgrade for everyday PC users who want to ramp-up their desktop PC or laptop to the largest available storage in the market without compromising on performance.

* 8TB is the largest Client SATA SSD as of its release date.

Enhanced in everyway

Achieving the maximum SATA interface limit of 560/530 MB/s sequential speeds, the 870 QVO features improved random speed and sustained performance compared to the previous 860 QVO. Intelligent TurboWrite accelerates write speeds and maintains long-term high performance with a larger variable buffer.


* Performance may vary based on SSD’s firmware version and system hardware & configuration.
* Random performance improved up to 13% in QD1 Random read.
* Sustained random write performance improved up to 21%
* Test system configuration: Intel Core i7-7700k CPU@4.20GHz, DDR4 1200MHz 32GB, OS -Windows 10 Pro 64bit, Chipset – ASUS-PRIME-Z270-A.

Enjoy max capacity

The 870 QVO is available in 1, 2, 4 and 8TB, and the 8TB model is by far the largest client SATA SSD. With the 870 QVO, users can now enjoy and thrive in the largest SSD computing environment ever with an approachable price.


* 1GB=1,000,000,000 bytes by IDEMA. A certain portion of capacity may be used for system file and maintenance use, so the actual capacity may differ from what is indicated on the product label.
* Available dates may differ by capacity.

Reliable and sustainable

The groundbreaking capacity of the 870 QVO doubles its reliability up to 2,880 TBW compared to the previous model 860 QVO and is backed by a limited warranty of 3 years. This formidable SSD provides further reliability with a refined ECC algorithm that enables a stable performance.


* TBW: Terabytes Written.
* Warrantied TBW: 360 TBW for 1TB model, 720 TBW for 2TB model, 1,440 TBW for 4TB model, and 2,880 TBW for 8TB model.
* Limited warranty of 3-years or TBW, whichever comes first. For more information on warranty, please find the enclosed warranty statement in the package.
* ECC: Error Correction Code

Upgrade with ease

Upgrading to the 870 QVO is made easy for anyone with a desktop PC or laptop that supports a standard 2.5-inch SATA form factor. Enjoying this terabyte SSD is as convenient as plugging in the 870 QVO into a SATA slot, and letting the renewed migration software take care of the rest.


Samsung Magician software

Make your drive work like magic. The new and improved Samsung Magician 6.1 software will keep your SSD in check. You can easily manage your drive with a wide range of useful tools to keep up with the latest updates, monitor the drive’s health and status, or even enhance its performance.



World’s No. 1 Flash Memory

Experience the superior performance and reliability that you can only get from the world’s number one brand for flash memory since 2003. All firmware and components, including Samsung’s world-renowned DRAM and NAND, are produced in-house, allowing end-to-end integration for quality you can trust.

* Source: 2003 – 2019 IHS Markit data: NAND suppliers’ revenue market share


Вес 0.09 кг
Габариты 15.24 × 12.7 × 2.54 см

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